
2009 - WA Jewellery Apprentice of the Year 

2011  - Bronze Medal Winner at the Regional WorldSkills competition

2012 - WA Jewellery Apprentice of the Year 

2012 - Gold Medal Winner at WorldSkills Australia 

Tayron Scagnetti was awarded the Gold Medal at the WorldSkills Australia National Championship in Sydney. He competed against jewellers from around the nation for the chance to represent Australia in the International WorldSkills competition. 

2013 - Silver Medal Winner at the International WorldSkills Competition 

Tayron Scagnetti was awarded the Silver Medal at the International WorldSkills Competition held in Leipzig, Germany. He represented Australia and competed against 16 other young jewellers each representing their home countries. 

2014 - Finalist at the JAA Australian Jewellery Awards 

Dragon King - Rules of the Sea